Monday, January 21, 2019

My New Etsy Shop: Elle Dee Bows

Here's the story of how I started sewing bows and bowties for my kids and it bloomed into an Etsy Shop and YouTube channel.

I started buying bows for Lucy before she was even born. What is it about a bow on a little baby girl? And everyday, I still put a bow in her hair -- at her request! I stumbled upon an Etsy Shop called Posh Pelican. Heather, the owner, made the most adorable bows and I fell in love with the style of bows she made and she created a great community of like-minded mamas. After a few years she closed her shop and I think all of the moms in the Posh Pelican community hearts broke. But I still wanted to buy bows for my girls (I became obsessed with getting them matching bows). And I did always crave a chance to match my three kids -- and I felt as if my son was left out. 

So using the main design I loved from her, I played around with my dusty sewing machine and some fabric and started making bows for my kiddos, and my nieces and nephew. I would post the pictures of the bows and bowties I made on Facebook, and people started asking for them as well. I had a hard time keeping up with orders and inventory and someone suggested I open an Etsy Shop! 

I dabbled in an Etsy Shop a few years ago, selling some chalkboards and wreaths I would make, but it didn't take off and I felt discouraged -- granted I didn't stick with it very long. But bows -- I don't think I'll ever stop making them even if I never made another sale. It is SO relaxing, and I thought -- maybe this is something I can film and share? I find it relaxing and fun to see how a piece of fabric turns into something completely unique, maybe others will too? Maybe? Anyone? We'll see.

It's still a new YouTube channel. I have probably less than fifteen views collectively. But that's okay. I'm still learning how to edit a video and finding the right angle to demonstrate the process of creating a bow or bowtie.

Also, something exciting that I want to offer my customers are a FREE Bow of the Month -- every month! The minimum price for an item in Etsy is $0.20, so that will be the price. I want there to be enough for everyone, so please only ONE bow per transaction. 

Sneak peek for February's FBOTM!

Here's all the links to everything Elle Dee Bows:
>> Instagram: elledeebows,
>> Etsy Shop:
>> Facebook Page:
>> YouTube Channel:

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